About Us

Griffin Hales
John S. Bozick
Patrick Brady
Richard Peace
Justin Taylor

Our staff of writers are also riders! We love e-bikes and our goal at Electric Bike Report is to help people get outside, get out of their cars, and get more exercise and fresh air. E-bikes are a perfect compliment to any lifestyle.

Our staff includes experienced road cyclists, mountain bike experts and devoted e-bike enthusiasts. Every bike we review has been personally tested for functionality, durability and performance. Our e-bike experts map out the pro’s and con’s of each bike so you can find exactly what you want and need.

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At Electric Bike Report, we cover trade shows, trends, the newest designs and other developments within the industry. Our reviews and recommendations are based on hands-on testing and performance evaluations. We regularly interview industry experts and e-bike manufacturers for more insight into R&D and what to look for in the future.

If you are here to learn more about the e-bike industry, we’ve got you covered. Check out our “Get Started Guide” to help you figure out what e-bike will best suit your needs. Weekly blog posts keep you up to date with regular discussions about e-bike laws, regulations and other issues. As electric vehicles become ubiquitous throughout the world, laws and regulations change quickly. Our e-bike experts can offer insight into how to ride safely, how to navigate automotive traffic, the best way to fold and carry your e-bike, bike locks that work, and even how to efficiently load cargo or passengers!

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