
Reader Interactions


  1. I’m a 50+ year cyclist, both road and mountain biking. 5+ years ago I bought a Pedego Stretch. It now has over 10k on it and the longer I have it the better I like it. My experience is an asset of course, but I find it to be very flexible and completely adaptable to road, street, trails and even sidewalks when necessary. Pedego independent dealers are available increasingly everywhere. Can’t imagine how Pedego got left off of this list.

    Yes, you might say I’m one of those “cargo bike cultists”, because I can carry so much to so many places ……….. I’ve even ridden it to the top of one of Colorado’s 14,000 ft. mountains. Extra gear, cameras, tripods, you name it ………. a true “adventure machine”.

  2. You guys do some outstanding bike reviews, possibly the best on the internet when it comes to testing things like range and brake performance.

    Why let your audience down by quoting the ‘400lb weight capacity’, when that’s the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating? After deducting the bike’s 85lb weight, the actual capacity to carry rider, passengers, and/or cargo is a pathetic 315lb, far below average for a cargo bike.

    Assume an adult male weighing 200lb is the rider, add a couple of 40lb kids, and a few cargo accessories, and suddenly, you’re down to around 30lb of cargo. Hardly a game changer.

    You should be highlighting the misleading claims made by brands, not parroting them.

    • The only one that fits your description is the Flyer VIA pro. They probably didn’t notice it, as most of the other brands seem to have been more transparent.

      Even you in your criticism didn’t point out the brand, which would have been helpful. Like them, I don’t think you intended to let anyone down.

  3. I never rode an electric bike before. I can really use one now. But I’m a senior citizen over 6feet 2inches weight 220-240 pounds and I need a cargo, also possible attachments for groceries.

  4. Warning, annoying comment alert! I appreciate your website and all you do but please change the words “PRO’S” and “CON’S” in your reviews, it drives me crazy. It should be “PROS” and “CONS” since it’s plural. The apostrophe is only for possessives (“the pro’s bike”) or contractions (“the pro’s biking later”). Thanks for all your helpful report’s about bike’s! (hehe)

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